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Fastener industry in China
It has been more than seven years since the EU initiated an anti-dumping case against Chinese fastener products. It is the first case in 30 years that China has challenged the EU to abuse its substitute country and won. On the one hand, EU abused anti-dumping rules against China, on the other hand, it dumped fasteners on China, and China imposed anti-dumping duties according to law. The WTO will make a final ruling on the EU's anti-dumping case against China from July to August this year. However, the EU issued the final judgment notice on sunset review of carbon steel fasteners on March 27, deciding to continue to maintain anti-dumping sanctions against carbon steel fasteners originating in China, which shocked the Chinese industry.
On March 27, the European Commission issued a final announcement on the sunset review of anti-dumping of carbon steel fasteners, deciding to maintain anti-dumping sanctions against carbon steel fasteners originating in China and continue to impose high anti-dumping duties on them. Industry insiders said that China's fastener industry was shocked by the European Commission's willful and determined trade protectionism in spite of the WTO panel's upcoming judgment. At present, there are more than 8000 enterprises in China's fastener industry. This measure of European Commission will make at least 1 / 3 of the enterprises to be greatly impacted. Recently, the China Chamber of Commerce for import and export of mechanical and electrical products and the fastener branch of China Machinery General Parts Industry Association jointly issued a statement, hoping that the European Commission can fully abide by the WTO rules and correct the wrong practices in the case investigation. At the same time, we also hope to resolve trade friction and achieve win-win situation through close cooperation between China and EU fastener industry.
      is shocking
   on March 27, the European Commission announced the final ruling on the final review of imported carbon steel fasteners from China. It held that, in view of China's idle production capacity, Chinese products continued to dump at low prices in many third countries and regions, domestic industries continued to expand production, product structure continued to develop, and trade remedy measures of the third country to Chinese products. On the other hand, although the EU industry has developed steadily during the damage investigation period, due to the stagnation of demand and the low level of profit margin, the EU industry is still fragile. Considering the low market share of Chinese products in the EU market, once the trade remedy sanctions are lifted, it is likely that Chinese products will enter the EU market at low prices again, thus causing damage to the EU industry.

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